Sunday, December 23, 2012

Team Me - "With My Hands Covering Both Of My Eyes I Am Too Scared To Have..."

I know I usually have a rule only to post legit music videos, but I couldn't resist with this one.  I posted their "Dear Sister" video in December, but later fell more in love with this track. Found this clip a few weeks ago and it may have brought tears to my eyes... too inspiring, I suppose.  The crowd's vibe is phenomenal and matches the band's energy perfectly.  Now, this is a show I would like to attend.  The female lead, Synne, is wearing wings for Christ's sake.  Wings! It doesn't get more awesome than this.  To give you a better idea how they perform, check out their other performance of "Weathervanes and Chemicals" at Lydverket in October 2011.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hunter Hunted - "End of the World"

So at this point, it's pretty clear that human kind made it through.  The "end of of the world" didn't really happen after all. Phew.  But all the hype made this a perfect day for indie rock band, Hunter Hunted, to release their latest music video, "End of the World".  Hailing from LA, these two dudes create some pretty intricate melodies.  Keep an eye out for their full-length album out in 2013.

The post-apocalyptic setting might define the end of the world, but, realistically? And in 2012? I'd be trotting around London like Katy B.  How about you?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The National- "Abel" (Live at Glastonbury - 2010)

...Because we're all fucking CRAZY.  I give you permission to scream this one out.

You deserve to let it loose.  So keep belting.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Band Of Skulls - "Sweet Sour"

This band's a triple threat.  So it's not surprising that the trio hails from the musically-talented UK.  Is it too presumptuous to say that they rival with popular rock sensation The Black Keys? Maybe. But maybe not.  Give this one a listen and let me know.

Now for the visuals accompanying this anthem.  Watching it makes me feel even more badass than I did initially listening to this track (Yes. I'm that girl who "dances" in public places with her headphones blaring...).  But gee wiz these youngsters got moves.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Team Me - "Dear Sister"

This six piece comes from Oslo, Norway.  Their first album, "To The Treetops", was just released this past March.  I love the absurd craziness of this video.  It makes me feel a little more free.  And the melodic synthy-pop goes perfectly with that feeling.  There's so many different sounds in their songs, I don't know where to keep my attention!  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bastille - "Flaws"

I'm usually not too into anything electronic or pop-y, but I couldn't help feel inspired by this little gem. Bastille (Dan Smith and his bandmates) hails from London and has been around for quite some time.  They only recently grabbed everyones attention with this tune.  The video to go along with it clearly draws inspiration from the 1973 crime flick, Badlands.  The group now has new video out that's also worth a watch: "Bad Blood".  This one's a little hard to follow, but the tune is still a head-bobber and very inspiring.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Atlas Genius - "Trojans"

This song never fails to put a pep in my step.  It's pretty catchy, in my opinion.  Atlas Genius consists of the three Jeffrey brothers and a UK friend.  Originating from southern Australia, they released this first single, "Trojans", last year in May.  Put Phoenix and Foster The People together and BAM! You get this Genius band.

Monday, November 26, 2012

We Are Augustines - "Book of James"

A fairly new indie-rock band, We Are Augustines, has created some wicked tunes for us.  Based in Brooklyn, the group consists of guitarist Billy McCarthy, bassist Eric Sanderson and drummer Rob Allen. Together, they've put together some great songs.  I honestly can't say I dislike one song on their debut album, "Rise Ye Sunken Ships".  There's a pretty touching story behind it too.  Read the article here.  Then listen to this... and try not to cry.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Rolling Stones - "Doom And Gloom"

Well, they've still got it.  The Rolling Stones just dropped the video to accompany their new single, "Doom and Gloom".  It stars Swedish actress Noomi Rapace from the Swedish adaptation of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and it's something else.  Jonas Akerlund, director, has managed to define the Rolling Stones band and brand completely.   The video is seductive, confusing and all together crazy.  But it totally works.  Check it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

King Tuff - "Keep On Movin'"

A variety of unique personalities crammed into one happy music video.  This dude never fails to raise an eyebrow.  Just check out "Alone & Stoned"- and you'll see what I mean.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gin Wigmore - "Man Like That"

Saw this lovely New Zealander a few weeks ago in London in a tiny little bar off the beaten track.  What a fireball. She makes groovy sounds too.  "Kill of the Night" is my favorite of hers.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The National - "Mistaken For Strangers"

The video isn't anything outrageous, so focus more on the music for this one.  Seeing these dudes live was simply the cat's pajamas.  Highly recommended.  Their Alligator album from 2005 is definitely their best, in my opinion.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lushlife - "Magnolia"

Definitely one of the more cleverly constructed music videos of our time.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Young The Giant - "Apartment"

Such a hippie-fest. And I want to be part of every second.  Seriously though. Who's in?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

alt-J (∆) - "Fitzpleasure"

The official music video dropped today... and I couldn't be more creeped out.  LOVE IT.  I told you guys they would blow up.  Just you wait.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Haerts – “Wings”

 With a video reminiscent of childhood, this duo from Germany created a fantastic track to close my eyes to and let the nostalgia of my younger years kick in. The vocals are delightful and the backup, inspiring.  Keep 'em coming Haerts.

Solange - "Losing You"

South African Le Sapeurs: "it involves indulging in high fancy even when you're in the middle of a dustblown shandytown: dressing in ridiculously fly tailored suits, twirling parasols, playing croquet, and sipping tea from China."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blonds- "Run"

I'll just keep on runnin'
Cause it's the only thing that I know...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bombay Bicycle Club

Not only does this video have an amazing rhythm to it, these two dancers are quite entertaining as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you "Beg" by Bombay Bicycle Club.